The work of Alice O'Kane
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Welcome to my Virtual Sculpture Garden

I have been a working artist off and on for 8 years, primarily working in clay. While I have done some wheel work and some drawing, my love is sculpting. In these pages you will see some of my work.

What you can expect
My work is somewhat representational. I usually have a basic idea in mind, but I don't let that hinder me if a better form comes along. It is only after the piece is done, usually not until after the glaze firing, do I name my work.
Portrait of the Artist
I enjoy sculpting, I think, mostly because when I am working, I can let my mind float. Working in clay really lets aggressions out, and if you make a mistake, it is easily fixed!

Questions? Thoughts? Send an e-mail

A wonderful sculpture by Tom Maley
Dance with a sculpture whenever you can. You won't be mocked and it is unlikely your feet will get stepped on! This picture was taken on New Years Day, 2001.
This "Lady" can be found cavorting at the Field Gallery, West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard